What data is collected and held?
· Personal data is held for the purposes of providing and operating the clinical psychology service; providing assessment and treatment within Redhill Psychology and would not be shared with any third party without agreement and consent.
· Data will only be shared (with consent) with other health professionals or those involved in your care, if this is agreed as necessary and helpful. Data may also be required by the court, though permission would first be sought from the client.
· The data held is confined to the personal information provided by the client, such as contact data and other personal details (such as date of birth and address)
· In addition, assessment and therapy notes are held along with clinical letters. Any letters sent regarding their treatment would be shared with the client and their consent obtained before letters were sent. Letters sent from other health professionals would also be held.
Where and how long is the data held?
· Personal data is held securely in computer format (password protected) electronically on Microsoft’s secure cloud-based platform, and any paper records are held securely in a locked filing cabinet.
· Personal data is retained after closing a file, in order for it to be referred to later if a new treatment starts, or if requested by the court or to defend a legal claim.
· Personal contact details may also be retained in order to offer future or new services provided by Redhill Psychology, if consent has been obtained to do so.
· Length of retention for client records is 8 years after client discharge from this service or 8 years following death.
· Clients have a right to access their personal data and can contact Redhill psychology requesting this, with a response expected within a reasonable timescale (within a month).
· Clients are asked to update Redhill Psychology with any changes in their personal data so that their record can be kept up to date.
Able to complain
· Clients are informed that they are welcome to discuss anything they are unhappy about regarding any aspect of the service. This feedback would be listened to and valued and reasonable adjustments made if possible. Contact would be to Rosie Odhuba at enquries@redhillpsychology.co.uk or on 07984 836215.
· Complaints can also be raised with the HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council) and they could also contact the BPS (British Psychological Society) where psychology professionals are registered.
Personal data breach procedure
· Redhill Psychology is registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) and if there were any reason to suspect a breach of personal data, Redhill Psychology would first contact the ICO on 0303 1231113 to seek advice.
· If it was confirmed that there had been a breach, then the ICO and all those affected would be informed within 72 hours. An attempt to rectify the situation would also be made as soon as the breach was detected, as a matter of urgency. Following this, a review of data security and, if identified as needed, changes would be made to reinforce the level of security for personal data processing would be made.
Policy review
· Personal data and this policy will be regularly reviewed by Rosie Odhuba at Redhill Psychology, in order to maintain relevant, secure and up to date records and clients are asked to review it frequently in case of modifications.